Thursday, May 29, 2014

Last week of school

Dear Parents,

It was a great pleasure to have your children in my classroom this year. We learned so many things and have grown together as a class. It has been a pleasure and privilege to see their personalities grow day by day and to see how they have developed in their learning.
We have laughed, played, studied, learned, and enriched our lives together during this school. Have an amazing summer and please do not ever hesitate to contact me for anything. Thank you once again for all the support, gifts, and words of encouragements this year! I am always here to help and would love to continue getting to know your children as they move on up to the next grade level.


Ms. Dao 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Lanier Debate Team

Good Morning parents, 

Just a quick reminder that all students from 2nd-4th grade will be walking over to Rice to watch the 5th graders' performance of Aladdin tomorrow afternoon. Please send your child to school with their red Roberts shirt on.
Chaperons (Kelly,Helen, and Mehrnaz) please be here by 1:00pm tomorrow afternoon. 

We are going to go browse at some of the items that 3rd grade is selling at their business fair today. If you would like to send money in for your kids to shop, please do so on Friday (8:30-9:30)

Your children have been working so hard all yea rlong, and I hope that all of you have enjoyed going through their portfolios with them this week. To end the school year on a good note, I usually like to engage my students in fun activities the last week of school to reward them for all their hard work all year long. 

Here are the list of fun activities that we will be doing in class next week: 
*Please do not tell your kids about any of these activities ahead of time. I would like for it to be a surprise for them each day! I just wanted to let you know so that you can make sure that they are dressed appropriately since some of the activities are a little bit messier than others.
  • "Moving Day" - students will be allowed to move their desks anywhere they want in the classroom as long as they can be on their best behavior. 
  • "Memory Wheel" - writing/illustrating about some of their favorite memories from 2nd grade.
  • "Go Fishing" - game (boys vs. girls)
  • Whiteboard Competition - as you probably already know, we use our whiteboards a lot in class for Math and Spelling. Now it's their turn to be creative and have some fun free drawing. 
  • "Nose Diving" - game 
  • "Shaving Cream Party" - free drawing with shaving cream on their desks
  • Letters to their future teachers - each student will write a letter to their future 3rd grade teacher to introduce themselves and let that 3rd grade teacher know who they are and what they are interested in. I'll give these letters to the 3rd grade teachers before "Meet the Teacher" in the fall. 
  • "Pencil-less Day" - They can use their markers, crayons, sharpies, and/or pencils to write all day.
  • "Board Games Day" - Please allow your child to bring in some board games from home today.
    (I will let them know about this event on Tuesday afternoon) 
  • "Socks Day" - no shoes in class all day long
  • "Book- Nic" (like a picnic after reading a book) - For example, after I read "If you give a mouse a cookie" to the class I will have some cookies ready for them to eat since it was mentioned in the book. 
  • Movie day with our book buddies - I have been reading Matilda to the kids in class everyday in the afternoon. We are trying to finish this book before the school year is over. So I will let them watch this movie on Wednesday. This movie is rated PG. Please let me know if you do not want your child to watch this movie. 
  • Roberts Idol
  • "Candy Awards" - I will have a "red carpet" set up in the classroom and present each student with an award. 
  • End of the year  classroom party (ice cream party) in the afternoon - Please respond to Helen's email.
Again, please let me know if you have any questions and/or concerns or if you would prefer for your child to not participate in certain events. 

Thank you for a wonderful year! 

From our Pizza Party

Some of the girls from the Lanier Debate Team 

Have a wonderful day! 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Ms. Dao's Lollipop Tree Booth

Sign up for
Ms. Dao’s Lollipop Tree Booth
For the Roberts Carnival – Saturday, May 17th

Dear Parents – Recently, you should have received an email seeking volunteers for our classroom carnival booth, with a link to Sign Up Genius  . If you haven’t had a chance to look at the website here are the spots we still need to fill (as of this afternoon). We need your help!

Shift:                                     Volunteer 1                        Volunteer 2
9:30 – 10:00 AM                Helen Belgrove                Cathy Dao
10:00 – 10:30 AM              Wenyi Wang                     Kristen Hawkins
10:30 – 11:00 AM              Lauren Bloomquist
11:00 – 11:30 AM              Ahmed Mohameed
11:30 – 12:00 PM              Helen Belgrove
12:00 – 12:30 PM             
12:30 – 1:00 PM
1:00 – 1:30 PM                   Melissa Pierson
1:30 – 2:00 PM                   Jyoti Verma
2:00 – 2:30 PM                   Emilie Heo

You can either sign up online with Sign Up Genius, using the link above or just respond back to this email by this Friday May 9th and I will let Jenny Johnson (carnival chair) know.

If you have any middle/high schoolers who would like to help, they can take a shift too! Volunteer hours will be validated by the Carnival Chair, Jenny Johnson.

It’s a lot of fun, and 30 minutes goes by in a flash! Hope to see you there! 

Monday, April 28, 2014

Stanford Exam

Good Afternoon Parents,

Below you will find the learning objectives for this week as well as some upcoming events. We have been busy working on our new unit of inquiry as well as preparing for the Stanford exam next week. Your children have been working really hard in class and it truly shows. However, please remind your child to pay close attention to the instructions given in class so that they do not make a silly mistake on a test or on an assignment.

Learning Objectives:
Reading: Author’s Purpose
Language Arts: Quotation Marks
Math: Place Value, telling time, grouping with parentheses
IB/Science: Phases of the moon, temperatures, weather patterns, causes of weather
Social Studies: How weather affect human activities
Stanford Practice: Reading comprehension, word study, listening, science, math procedures, math word problems

Upcoming Events
Tuesday, 4/29 Progress Reports
May 5 - 9  Stanford Testing, grades 1-5
Thursday, 5/8  Fine Arts Night, 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday, 5/13 2nd grade Field Trip to Main Street Theater
Saturday, 5/17  Carnival, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Have a wonderful afternoon! 

Friday, April 18, 2014

Camp Read-a-lot

Happy Birthday to Mikhaela and Rayah!! 

Crack out the colors!
Filming our commercial for this year carnvial! 

Harvesting from the garden

Zain, our star of the week (last week)

Devlin, our star of the week (this week)

Camp Read - a - lot!